Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It is still 2012 for a little longer

I was reminded that I hadn't posted on this at all this year. So here is possibly my only post for the year, but stay tuned... Big announcements coming soon!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Google totally wins.
I am quite happy to hand them:

my phone (Google voice) the best thing to happen to cell phones since well cellphones.
my job (Google search) ya, well if I don't know something I will soon.
my phone again (Evo 3d) Love the OS. Love my phone.
my hobbies (I am working on a side project that involves their API more soon.)
my memories (Picassa) I store all my pictures up there.
my web browser (Chrome) Fast, neat; what more is there?
my sense of direction (Google maps) Gave up MapQuest about the time I gave up Hotmail.
my e-mail (Gmail) Ya, work I love exchange, but personal I always give my Gmail account.
my blog (Blogger) well sure, I hardly use it, but it is a Google product.
my reading material on the can (Google reader) Not really commenting on this one.

And now they bring Google+ I just got the invite last night, already I love it. I haven't even tried out the real cool stuff yet like "hangouts" or "huddles" but the "circles" feature is just perfect. Share what you want with who you want. Unlike Facebook's post to everyone you know, I can make a circle that is just for people who have an unhealthy love of all things Disney (which I do and Mom and Angie are the only two in it as of this post) and just drop things I come across about Disney into it. It doesn't go to my co-workers, it doesn't go to my third cousin. I don't have to filter out what I do actually want to share with people but don't want to e-mail them. It is just done right. And likewise (and I know it's early) I don't have to hear about stuff that doesn't concern me. I am not sure, but I hope that if you are put into a circle you can mute that circle. I wouldn't want to be put into a wrong circle, I don't want to hear about your aunt Fannie's stamp collection. I have high hopes, and so far a ton of praise for this. Good show Google. Keep it up, and keep the stamp collecting posts away.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Been a while

Working on a couple projects.
Stay tuned, I know I will.
Sorry for the ad's but click on 'em for me. :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sat night excitement!

Okay, it's Saturday night and I am watching over the Internet rather than actually going to a bar to watch music!
Free live streaming by Ustream

Monday, February 16, 2009

Windows Live Writer

I have installed windows live writer, and I am giving it a shot. Hopefully it will encourage me to write more posts. Also I will let you know what I think of it :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lunch today

Today at a lunch meeting someone didn't show. So, I was given what was an extra Cobb Salad. (Thanks Carrie!)

I was going through it looking at what they had included. I saw a couple of pieces of avocado. I thought "They could have put more avocado in there, I am an avocado fan." NO WAIT:


but I couldn't stop there. no no:

I am also a Big Bacon Backer!

A Chicken Cheerleader!

A Celery Celebrator!

A Lettuce Lover!

A Blue Cheese Booster!

(The picture was bad, but I had to share!)